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Athol Fire Department
Burn Permits
Burn Season
January 15, 2025 - May 1, 2025
Brush burning is only allowed from January 15th to May 1st.
Each year you must apply for a new permit.
There is a $10 fee for burning permits for the Town of Athol.
There are two different options to obtain your permit:
Online permit payment and registration
1. You may pay online through . Be advised, if you use this option, there is a $2.50 service charge from the vendor that processes the payment.
2. Go to to create an account if you are a new user. Once you create an account on the system you can use it every year to renew online (a new account is not required every season).
3. Follow the prompts to register and print your permit.​
​Permit payment and registration in person
1. You may bring your check (NO cash or credit/debit) to the Fire Station Monday through Thursday from 8am-1pm and ask to speak to Liz or Chief Parker.
2. The Fire Department will provide you with a paper copy of the burn permit and assist you in the registration process.
After obtaining your permit, you can activate it on each day you want to burn (if burning is not banned for the day) by calling (978) 248-0281 between 8:30 am and 11:30 am.
***It is important to note that your phone number will be used as a reference to your burn permit.
A copy of the Athol Fire Department burning rules is available here (see attachment below) or for pickup at the fire station. You must have your printed permit with you at time of burning.
If you have any questions, contact Chief Parker or Administrative Assistant Liz Bergquist at the Athol Fire Department (978)249-8275.