In case of an emergency dial 9-1-1
Athol Fire Department
Permits & Records
Fee schedule and forms for Fire Dept Permit and Inspection.
Make checks payable to the Town of Athol.
To request a fire or ambulance report submit a request to:
Athol Fire Dep't.
C/O Elizabeth Bergquist
2251 Main St.
Athol, MA 01331.
Ambulance reports require the attached form to the link below to be filled out and signed. A photocopy of current driver's license or MA ID is required.
Permit Fees
Inspections & Certificates of Compliance
Life Safety Inspections, Restaurants, Liquor License, Business, Boarding House, Licensed Facilities, Quarterly Inspections
Life Safety Re-Inspection
Short Term Cooking Inspection
Short Term Cooking Inspection Non-Profit
Smoke Detector & Carbon Monoxide System Sale/Transfer
MGLA 148:26F & 26F 1/2
Single Family
3-6 Units
7+ Units
Re-Inspection (Per Unit)
Chapter 148 26C & 26E (Per Unit)
Re-Inspection (Per Unit)
Temporary Use Permit
New Protection Systems & New Building
1 & 2 Family Dwellings (fire alarms w/ plan review)
Site Plan (planning & zoning Board)
Plans Review (fire alarm, photovoltaic, etc.)
Sprinkler Plan Review (includes inspection fee)
NFPA, MGL, Chapter 148 & 527 CMR 1.00 Permits
Brush Burning (Seasonal)
Bonfire MGL Chapter 148:10A
Cannon & Mortar Fire 527 CMR 1.00 Chapter 65
Combustible Fibers 527 CMR1.00 Chapter 45
Fireworks & Pyrotechnics 527 CMR 1.00 Chapter 65
Underground Storage Tank Removal
Oil Burners & Fuel Storage 527 CMR 1.00 Chapter 11 and 66 and MGL Chapter 148:10A
$50 + Standby
$100 Each Tank
Transfer Tank (2-year permit, ≤119 Gallons) 527 CMR 1.00 Chapter 42
Cargo Tank Trucks (2 year permit, >119 Gallons) 527 CMR 1.00 Chapter 42
Type of permit
Tar Kettle 527 CMR 1.00 Chapter 16
Gun Powder & Ammo 527 CMR Chapter 65
Dumpster 527 CMR 1.00 Chapter 19
Flammable Storage & Use Permits 527 CMR 1:00 Chapter 66
Permit to Process Hazardous Materials
General Permit 527 CMR 1:00
Blasting (30 days) 527 CMR 1.00 Chapter 65
$50 + Standby
Carbon Monoxide or Technical Option 527 CMR 1.00 Chapter 13
Welding or Hot Works 527 CMR 1.00 Chapter 41
$50 + Standby Detail Rate & Fees
LPG/LNG Installation AST/UST 527 CMR 1.00 Chapter 69
0-5,000 gallons
5,001-10,000 Gallons
10,001-20,000 Gallons
Over 20,000 Gallons
HAZMAT MGL Chapter 21E Response, Outside Detail, Court Restitution
Command/Command Vehicle
Pickup/4 Wheel Drive
Ambulance Standby
Forestry Unit
Water Craft
Materials & Equipment
Billed Replacement Cost
Medical Observation/Treatment
Billed Responsible Party
Detail Rate
See Current Detail Rate
Detail Administrative Rate
10% of Total Invoice